30 July 2013

Well maybe the weather in our little paradise Bad Zwischenahn is not always as on our blog photos - then you can find besides all the shops also two libraries!

Welcome to Bibliothek am Meer!
Well hidden in this building - and worth a visit!
Good size and nice atmosphere!
Here you can copy A4 and A3!
Downstairs there are few internet computers!
All to low costs!

Auf dem Hohen Ufer 20
  • Tue  14-18
  • Wed 10-18
  • Thu  14-18
  • Fri    14-18
  • Sat   10-18

28 July 2013

Welcome to Bad Zwischenahn in Germany!

Almost paradise - thats Bad Zwischenahn!
Full with flowers, bees (to the left), butterflies and sunshine!

Boats take you around the lake where you also can take
 a swim or lay down on one of  the beaches
also right in the town centre!

 Short walk from the town centre and you will find this!

25 July 2013

 - 2000 -
Thank you all clickers - keep on doing it!

Special thanks to Russians for visiting this blog so often!

... freedom´s just another word for nothing left to lose...

Song by Janis Joplin

24 July 2013

... one of the greatest happiness

in life is to have freedom

to be yourself...

23 July 2013

English holiday in Germany!

Beach like in Spain, weather too and family kind nature!
You live in Germany and would like to speak English during the holiday - then go to Sennelager near Paderborn in Germany! Half of the village is crowded with Englishman as they live here!
And hurry, next year, 2014, they might all be gone!
The English come to the lake for swimming, grilling and other!
Dogs allowed!
Click here for more info about Sennelager

Nice water, fine sand beach and English speaking - in Germany!
Who could wish for more on their holiday!

18 July 2013

Visit the farm museum!

Besuche das Bauernhof-Museum!

And remember you read about it first time on di-lara.blogspot.com!

Kitchen of art! And used daily!
Even for boiling farm eggs which tasted deliciously!
Inge was a creative young woman and wanted to become an artist but her mother said no and Inge ended up working at bank for many years.
Her wish to do something else was there when she found The Man.
- I met Günther many years ago and it was then my ideas got all this space, she explains.
Günther has been living on a small farm at German countryside since he was born.
- Yes, its here Inge can do what she wants with her fantasy, he says with a smile.
We can see that - there are interesting things everywhere both inside and outside the house.
Here nothing has a limit, the lamp can look like a small Christmas tree even in summer and in garden one can find cakes made of clay!
So scroll down and let the photos speak from the Fantasy Land made by Inge and Günther!

Inge war eine kreative junge Frau und wollte auch beruflich als Künstlerin arbeiten aber ihre Mutter sagte "nein", so dass Inge schließlich in einer Bank eine Ausbildung absolvierte und in dieser auch für mehrere Jahre arbeitete.
Ihr Wunsch ´etwas anderes zu tun´ existierte bereits als sie ihren Mann traf.
"Ich traf Günther vor vielen Jahren und von da an bereiten sich meine Ideen hier aus", erklärt sie. Günther hatte zuvor auf einem kleinen Bauernhof in Nordwestdeutschland von Geburt an gelebt.
"Ja, hier kann Inge machen, was sie mit ihrer Phantasie will", sagt er und lächelt dabei.
Man kann sehen, dass überall interessante Dinge sind: im und außerhalb des Hauses.
Nichts hat hier eine Grenze, die Lampe kann sogar im Sommer wie ein Weihnachtsbaum aussehen und im Garten kann man Kuchen aus Ton finden!
Also schaut euch die Photos an und laßt sie berichten aus dem Phantasie-Land von Inge und Günther!

Inges decorating dreams got fulfilled when she met Günther!
Inge´s Dekorations-Träume wurden wahr als sie Günther traf.

Living room.

Dining room.
Dont like to bake - why not make eternity cake!
Served all year around in garden!
Keine Lust zu backen - warum nicht einen ewigen Kuchen herstellen!
Das ganze Jahr im Garten serviert!

Christmas tree upside down - no, this a lamp!
Weihnachtsbaum ´über Kopf´ - nein, dies ist eine Lampe!

Nice sofa...
Schönes Sofa...

... in nice car!
...in einem schönen Auto!
Well if you dont like old plastic furniture
then just paint them!
Also, falls sie keine alten Plastikmöbel mögen,
dann malen Sie sie doch einfach an!

16 July 2013

Visit Oldenburg Lower Saxony in Germany


No, this is not at French riviera!
Its just a very nice place in Oldenburg!

 Well hidden market place near the city centre!
Few times on different days a week one can find anything
when it comes to food, clothes, fruit and other!

Who said it has to be perfect!
Isnt it good as well that it looks just nice!

Hello Oldenburg in Lower Saxony!

Bye bye...

... yellow house and we thank all nice people!

bye bye Malmö - or Malmoe

bye bye Öresunds Bron

13 July 2013

Visit Malmö! Visit Malmoe!

When you have had enough of shopping at XXXLutz and ice cream

then take a walk around the West Side!

Turning Torso!
Yes there are flats too in it!
For the rich of course!
Loaded with cash and dont know
what to do with it - why not get a house boat!
Or just take a swim
for free few meters away!
Or take the bridge to Copenhagen over a day! With car or train or bus!

Typical Swedish dish! And delicious! Smörgåstårta!

When you get tired of eating the Swedish meatballs they have at IKEA here is a tip!

One Pettersson has made this smörgåstårta!
Already the evening before the whole cake was done
and just before serving it the decoration has been put on!

Take slices of white bread that are very thin and cut of the crust. If you are in Sweden they got special kind for this in any food shop.
Put a layer of the bread at the bottom. The size you decide.
Mix creme fraische or cottage cheese with boiled eggs that you have chopped into small pieces. Put salt and white pepper and mix. To get it more creamy you can use mayo and if you dont like it or dont have it then mix mustard with creme fraische.
Now you put layers as high as you like and fill with the creamy stuff in between the bread. On top you can use what you like for decoration.
It can be slices of boiled eggs, shrimps, fresh cucumber slices, dill, lettuce, tomatoes, slices of lemon or what else you can come up with!
Ask the guests what they like and see if you can put it on! Salmon is good on top and why not try slices of pineapple! Pates and different cheeses can also make a nice decoration or be put in as a filling! Avocado is also nice in or on it or what about of any kind of melon on a hot day!
Eat cold with cold drink or as we preferred it with a nice cup of tea!

Bremen loppis!

If you are near Bremen this weekend - visit the Breminale flohmarkt!

Loppis på tyska! Breminale!

Fleamarket in Bremen on Bürgerweide they call the event Breminale!

Thanks for tip Amazon!

Loppis idag i Lund!

Här finns lite av varje och det går att fynda fram till klockan 15 idag lördag den 13 juli!
Södra Esplanaden!

Allt från gamla LP-skivor till ...
...saker för barn...
... till smycken!

12 July 2013

Lund Land


In Stadsparken

Park in sunset!

Not streets of London but streets of Lund in sunset!
For those who like cheese... and fast cars!
One of the most well hidden parks must be the one in Lund!
In summer there is live music and dance for those who want!
Even the birds are playing as you can see by the pond!