18 March 2021

Bit facts in Corona times...

Spanish flu 100 years ago took lives of between 50-100 million people who were mostly young and healthy. At that time there were about 1.7 billion inhabitants on earth.

Now we are almost 8 billion people and circa 2 million have died of Covid-19 till march 2021.

It means that in the comparison with Spanish flu 100 years ago Covid has caused death of half a million people...

So till February 2021 Covid-19 have shown a mortality rate of approximately 1-3 percent of confirmed cases. Spanish flu rated 10-20 percent and was also going on for couple of years.

Source: Wikipedia and other

4 March 2021

We are here into German logic logistic
and think this road sign could mean:

1. If you drive at 70 you will hit the tree.

2. There will be a tree in the middle of the road if you drive at 70.

3. There are cars hitting the tree before you when you drive at 70.

Tell us now your ideas!

 I´ll never love again

Don't wanna feel another touch
Don't wanna start another fire
Don't wanna know another kiss
No other name falling off my lips
Don't wanna to give my heart away
To another stranger