16 April 2021


Strange strategies - and more sickness

Well we are into the strange facts and logics not only in Germany but worldwide.
The people are remaining sick from the Corona virus and die from it. And what the responsible health people do - they tell us rather to start travelling. To countries like Spain where not long ago was one of the worse with Corona infected.
Now they have a Corona hotel there for tourists who show positive tests and have to stay in quarantine before they can go back home. Masks on beaches too, what a wonderful holiday it must be.
And politicians clapping there hands because they know for sure there will be more Corona coming...
Modern Germany, like most places where people live longer and longer, has lot of elderly people than the country wishes for and those die first so to say, when Corona hits. 
For Easter 2021 the politicians did not learn anything so now we are into a new wave of sick people and lack of personal and beds at hospitals and even worse than at its top of sickened.
We all know what to do to get out of the situation but there are one odd excuse after the other on why we all cannot get vaccinated.
But really, who cares, there are too many people all over the world anyway. Trust me, the economy in Germany will bloom after politicians here are done and Corona is gone. And hopefully less overcrowded...
So there will be less elderly people, less sick people and less those who suffer from long-term sickness. All thanks to Corona.
For those who still want to stay healthy - enjoy nature as long as that is allowed, stay home and stay safe.

Corona times...

Keep distance and meet only one person besides your own household.
And still best in distance please. Even we got that. Thank you.