28 June 2014

Going along to get along...

Things not working for you the way you want?
Then stop being a passenger in your life and start driving!
Stop putting your trust in a broken compass!
Check your self esteem here!
These "Philisms" and many more
come from American Dr Phil McGraw 
Broken self esteem - see here if it is:
* Is your self esteem based on what others think of you?
* Do you do things to make other people happy even if it makes you feel bad?
* Do you have hard time being happy for others when they succeed even when they are your friends?
* Do you call yourself names like "stupid" or "dummy" when you make mistakes - or sometimes even when you don´t?
* Do you have a hard time taking risks?
* Is your life grey, there is no passion?
* You have checked out and are just going through the motions?
* If you are low on your own priority list then you know your labels and internal dialogue has taken over.
* If you need that someone else tells you that you are ok then it means that you are giving your power away.
* Don't let your past become your future - take responsibility.
* Don't compare your reality to everyone else social mask.

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